Tree Whisper Oracles
Artwork Style
Tree Whisper Oracles are decks of cards, created with photographic images of trees and plant life, that I have shot myself. The Original edition was shot with an old camera I had, while The Secret Garden and Dream Travellers oracles were shot with a Ricoh Gr3.
Initially the images are manipulated to mirror them. This enables me to find the right point of focus that reveals to my imagination the presence of faces and body forms in the trees and surrounding plant life. Often there are many possible focal points and I attune with my felt-senses to guide me into the energy that wants to come through. These faces and forms represent tree spirit beings. Due to the mirroring effect, pinpoint focus is either brought together in the middle of the image, or split and separated to each side of the image. The mirroring effect also creates a playfulness in the fore and backgrounds, through the glomeration of in focus and out of focus areas of the image. This offers a challenge for the senses, an unsettlement of sense, which supports our intuition in opening up to mysterious gestating sensing fields within us.
These images invite us to sense into the atmosphere of subject, similar to a magic eye picture or a Rorschach ink blot. We engage our intuition, and may divine for communication with tree spirits. The overall image is designed to be ambient, with soft and bokeh style photography, blended with sharp focus. Some images are intended to look more like illustrated artwork, like watercolour, and some are more so sharp photography. Or there is a blending of the two. Some images or areas of image are mirage like, if they are in the far distance of as I mentioned, in the foreground due to the mirroring effect. I like this effect, it challenges our senses, and represents energetic movement, aliveness and animation.
I also like to further enhance some of my images with special effects like delicate lights, starts, orbs and coloured filters to create a dreamlike and mysterious atmosphere. My subjects are a mixture of close up trees and plant life, a foot to a few meters and these that are farther away 10 meter plus. My images are a mixture of pinpoint focus and scattered focus.
The photographs are all shot in the North of Scotland. I prefer to visit location in all weathers. Such as when it is snowing, or frosty, in mist and thick fog, and in rain and wind, in autumn and winter. For The Secret Garden, it was important for me to have very bright sun and clear skies on the days I went out on location. So I could capture sunlight rays and dappled sunlight in dense and shady woodlands.
My images capture atmosphere, mood, spirit, and energy frequencies. They embody the spirit of nature and the wild landscape where I am rooted.
The process of creating these images is a deeply shamanic experience. Each image is viscerally received and experienced in a felt-sensing way until they feel right. These oracles are a co-creation between myself and the tree spirits in how I personally experience them.
My oracle images are not collage, image overlay, cut and paste, AI or any other photography/artwork style that brings random, unrelated subjects, or images from different destinations, together to create artificial subject matter or focal point, (other than what I have specified above (orbs, starts, lights, filters). I am not a professionally trained photographer. My images are rustic and raw, much like myself. This is how I like them. I don't care much for flawlessness or the 'right way' to do something, instead I choose to align with flaws and embrace what is alive, real and present in my subject.
Thank you for considering Tree Whisper Oracles.
Please see below for Tree Whisper Oracles and their gallery and videos.
With Gratitude
Who Are Tree Whisper Oracles For?
Tree Whisper Oracles are for sensing beings. For people who understand the nature of the oracles and believe in the autonomy of the individual beings within, and of the gestating spirit of nature.
Tree Whisper Oracles are for anyone on a sensuous journey of deeper congruence and felt-sensing relation within themselves. And for those who love and honour nature and trees and want to foster relational depth here.
Tree Whisper Oracles are not meant to be coveted as collection piece that is never to be connected with. These oracles, I believe, are alive in spirit and are searching for sensitive and receptive souls. The tree spirits are on a journey to support us to heal, evolve and raise our frequency. In our everyday lives and within our deeper spiritual paths.
They are for experienced Shamans and people at the beginning of shamanic awareness's. They are for animists, tree lovers and earth centred, wild at heart wanderers.

Tree Whisper Oracle
1st Editon
2nd Printing
Walk Slowly Listen Softly
The Tree Whisper Oracle original edition, 2nd printing, reflects Autumn and Winter. The deck includes 48 cards with photography/photo manipulation enhanced to reveal to the imagination tree spirits. The card stock is a luxurious 350gsm Zanta Games Board, mat finish. 67 x 140mm with straight corners. They come in a tuck box and personally packaged.
Currently Out of Print.
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Tree Whisper Oracle
2nd Edition
The Secret Garden
Walk Slowly Listen Softly
The Tree Whisper Oracle 2nd edition reflects Spring and Summer. The deck includes 55 cards with photography/photo manipulation enhanced to reveal to the imagination tree spirits. They are 350gsm Zanta Games Board with mat lamination. Tall Tarot (89 x 146mm) with 5mm radius corners. They come in a tuck box and personally packaged.
Currently Out of Print.
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Tree Whisper Oracle
3rd Edition
Dream Travellers
Walk Slowly Listen Softly
The Tree Whisper Oracle 3rd edition reflects Autumn and Winter. The deck includes 56 cards with soft photography/photo manipulation enhanced to reveal to the imagination tree spirits. The cards are 350gsm Zanta Games Board with mat lamination. Tall Tarot (89 x 146mm) with 5mm radius corners. They come in a tuck box and personally packaged.
Currently Out of Print.
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“If you would know strength and patience, welcome the company of trees”