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Spiritual Depth Companionship

Writer's picture: treewhisperoracletreewhisperoracle

Person-Centred, Focusing Oriented Companionship/Counselling From The Highlands of Scotland

Dear Spiritual Companions,

I am re-opening my private Spiritual Depth Companionship Practice for new clients from Autumn 2023. Companionship sessions are remotely from my own home, through video call. I hope to offer in-person sessions for local clients in the future.

The nature of companionship is very much rooted in my own way of being as an animist and Druidess. I orientate myself on the path of life, and experience interactions, from the centre of my felt senses. As a companion to you, I am sharing my way of being with you and supporting you along your own spiritual path to become the explorer of your own way of being, of your own felt sensing ways.

Spiritual Depth Companionship is a deeply Person-Centred and Focusing Orientated style of counselling. An intimate and rich journey into the realms of your sensing being. My companionship aims to support you in exploring aspects of your own body's wisdom, through the listening to, and the taking notice of, felt-sense communication. It is my role to be your listener and keep you company as you discover new depths of relation from within your own body, along your spiritual path and from your everyday life experiences.

My role is to support you to focus into listening to your body's wisdom, and to support you in being grounded and present as you walk your rich and mysterious path. This process may also involve counselling at times, or mentoring at times. Companionship is an organic and alive process of becoming, this means that the connection between you and I, and my role as your companion will be what it needs to be in the present moment for you as you walk this mysterious path.

I am a qualified Person-Centred Counsellor and Psychotherapist and hold a certificate from the British Focusing Association in Focussing Skills. I am not affiliated with any organization at this time, however I do consider an ethical code of conduct from my awarding body COSCA.

If you would like to explore whether Spiritual Depth Companionship is right for you, or you would like to find out more details on this process feel free to email me with your enquiries. To book a session, or find out more, send me an email to

I look forward to connecting with you along your path

Yours in the heart of the woodlands and wild places.



Disclaimer: Spiritual Depth Companionship is for those of us whom are generally mentally well and healthy and are already on a spiritual path and seek to explore our journey further in a felt-sensing way. Spiritual Depth Companionship is not for people who are currently in crisis, pre-treatment or in treatment for mental health illnesses or addictions or currently suffering with mental health illness or addictions. If you are in this group please seek the help of a medical practitioner for support. Please contact me for further details or if you would like to discuss with me whether you feel that Spiritual Depth Companionship is the right path for you at this time.

Wishing you all peace in the woodlands.


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