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Tree Spirit Guardians Are Here!

Writer's picture: treewhisperoracletreewhisperoracle

I have been busy all day meeting the new Tree Spirit Guardian's of The Secret Garden Oracles. These tree spirit doodles and imbued with tree spirit essences, channelled from through the woodlands and wild places. Each of them with the very special task of accompanying the journey of The Secret Garden Oracles to their new human guardians.

Meeting these gentle beings and having 'feeling' conversations with them fills my heart with the pure and sweet joy of being in the woodlands and wild places. And a knowing that even if we can not go to these places in a physical sense, all we really need to do is bring presence of this place within us, and we are there.

My company with these little spirits is brief. As they will soon leave to travel all over the earth to their new homes. There energy will imbue the oracles and stay with the decks while they are needed until it is time for them to return through their roots to their spiritual homes. Or they may say and make new spiritual roots in a land far far away.

Oracles will be posted week commencing 22nd of November I feel deeply blessed that I have been able to share more oracles with the world and also to be a part of these wonder filled adventures of the journeying trees within the Tree Whisper Oracle 2nd Ed. I feel their excitement and joy to be lifting their roots and sprouting wings. Their epic journey begins!

There are still some oracles waiting for new homes. Email me at with any enquiries.

Yours in the heart of the woodlands.

Mags Black.

1 Comment

priscilla young
priscilla young
Nov 21, 2021

They are just so magical! Mine is still with me here in Tennessee.

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