Hello Tree Spirit Kin,
Thank you all for your emails and requests for this Autumn Winter Tree Whisper Oracle. I am delighted to run a JUNE 2023 pre-order for those of you who missed the launch of this 2nd printing in February.
A Little Tree Whisper News!
I am not sure how long I will make this original edition available for, or how frequent it will be available in the future.
I will be shooting a new Autumn Winter themed Tree Whisper Oracle. This new oracle will be a unique Tree Whisper Oracle in their own right. A '3rd' Edition of the Tree Whisper, and will have a unique name (like, The Secret Garden has). This will distinguish this new 3rd edition oracle from the original edition. I am really excited for this journey and I will share more on this project in due course through the blog and forum.
For now though I will run regular pre-orders for Tree Whisper Oracle Original 1st edition (2nd Printing) as long as I keep hearing from you that you want to keep company to the Tree Spirits. I love to hear from you all and read your emails about your experiences with your oracle and the special trees in your lives. Please always keep in touch. As you may know I am not on Social Media and I live a quiet life, I don't interact with many people in person, so please know that when I get an email, this contact and communication, I cherish it.
Images: Tree Whisper Oracle Original 1st Edition (2nd Printing).
Please see below for Product Details, Pre-Order instructions and Postal information.
Tree Whisper Oracle deck price: £55 (Pre-Order Price ONLY) - Plus TRACKED POSTAGE from Scotland in the UK to worldwide (see below for postage costs), through Royal Mail. (£55 includes packaging).
You are paying for -
Tree Whisper Oracle Original Autumn Winter Edition (2nd Printing)
48 Oracle Cards of Tree Spirits and 1 Title card (49 pieces in total).
Approximately 67 x 140mm with straight corners.
350gsm Zanta Games Board.
Includes Tuck Box.
Please be aware that this printing of the Original Tree Whisper Oracle was printed with my printer of 'The Secret Garden Oracle' and so they both have the same card stock. So If you have the very first printing of the Original oracle, this 2nd printing is different card stock to that old one. Also please check the dimensions of this deck. This deck is not the same size as The Secret Garden Oracle. This deck was shot with a different camera, therefore it is a different shape and size. This may concern those of you who use larger cards for scrying. I just don't want anyone to be disappointed with the size. I did consider when reprinting them to enlarge the cards but unfortunately it meant expanding and cropping the image and I would have lost so much of the image and essence of the magic. It didn't look good.
PRE-ORDER (Fast Turnaround) Instructions and POSTAL Information
The oracle is available from me on pre-order only. This means that I will collect from you the total funds (oracle deck and the postage) through PayPal before you receive your product. Once I have collected from my pre-order group, I will then order the oracle batch from my printer.
There will be a delay in you receiving your oracle while they are being printed. The oracles will then be delivered to me, and I will prepare and package them, I will then fulfil your pre-order and despatch them to their new homes. Your tracking details will be sent via PayPal. I will post oracles on different days, so not everyone will get notified of tracking at the same time. I am usually quick to post out oracles once I have received them from my printer. I usually do this within a week. I will extend this time to within 2 weeks as I am dealing with minor ailments at the moment.
You will receive email updates on your order progress all along the way in 'Round Robin' emails. I love to keep in touch with my tree spirit guardians. Please allow for delays. I will update you on any delays also.
NOTE: Please do not place a pre-order promise unless you are 100% sure you are going to fulfil the order with payment and you have the FUNDS READY now. Thank you.
NOTE: Please understand, if you do not pay the PayPal request for funds I will take you off my pre-order group. You have 24 hours to fulfil payment (unless otherwise arranged with me). Please ensure you check your emails. Thank you.
NOTE: Please also be aware that once your order is in process and is paid for, I can not accept cancelations, refunds or returns. Thank you.
NOTE: Please be aware that I will only print oracles if I have enough customers to fulfil the batch. No payments will be requested by me until I have confirmed with you through email, in Round Robin Email #1, that I have fulfilled my requirement for the print run and am proceeding to PayPal. Thank you.
NOTE: Please understand that I can't be responsible for damage to the parcel during transit. Parcels that go overseas may endure a bumpy ride and post in general is a little rough. I do use extra padding around the tuck boxes and use padded envelopes. I appreciate that people like to have a perfect tuck box, but the tuck box generally is for more protection of the cards. Thank you.
NOTE: Please be aware, the postal address I put on the parcel is the address you provide me through your Pre-Order Promise Email. You will however receive your tracking through PayPal. Please don't panic that your tracking number is connected to your PayPal postal address (if you have an old address on there), it is not. The address that is entered into tracking at the Post Office is the address on the parcel. Thank you.
Postal Information
UK - (Royal Mail Special Delivery) £7.65
World Zone 1 - (includes Canada) £13.85
World Zone 2 - (Includes Australia, New Zealand and Singapore) £15.20
World Zone 3 - (USA) £15.65
Europe -
Zone 1 £10.95
Includes France and Germany
Zone 2 £11.25
Includes Sweden and Italy
Zone 3 £12.05
Includes Turkey and Switzerland
Email me at treewhisperoracle@gmail.com
Subject the email Tree Whisper Oracle 1st Edition June PRE-ORDER.
Contain in the email your FULL POSTAL address (including country and area postal code) and your PayPal email address.
Specify in the email how many decks you would like to order (multiple decks will cost extra postage).
Say in the email body that this is your Pre-Order Promise and you are PayPal Ready.
I will respond to your first email with a receipt of your 'Pre-Order Promise' and when I hit my target for batch production, I will send you a Round Robin #1 Target Reached - PayPal Ready email.
I typically respond to emails within an hour but please allow up to 24 hours (for time zones and personal circumstances).
I wish you all a beautiful June wherever you are in the world and that your season will be showered with all of the magical and enchanting blessings of nature.
Yours always in the heart of the woodlands,
Earthy, Rooty, Leafy Blessings.
Got my deck today! thanks so much Mags for reprinting this. It's beautiful. Can't wait for the new one next year! x
Glad everyone got another chance to grab this one! ❤️ Am so happy I finally have both and can't wait for the new one
Exciting news!