It is a glorious autumnal day here in the north of Scotland. A bit rainy, a bit windy, a bit sunny. A perfect moody blustery day. Full of atmosphere and energy.
Over recent months I have received many lovely emails from people reaching out to enquire about the original Tree Whisper Oracle. Wondering if I will make it available some how. In many of these instances I have said that it is not possible, and indeed it is very difficult. The unique dimension of this deck make it so that it will be a custom deck for me to have created by my printer. And expensive for me to have a sample deck created just to see what it will be like.
I am hoping to gauge an idea of the interest around the Tree Whisper Oracle, the original deck autumn winter edition. I have put some feelers out and about already, and I received back some interest in the original oracle, I'd like to widen the scope and see if anyone else is interested in a possible pre-order of this oracle.
It has been such a long time since the tree spirits of the original deck roamed free. This oracle was pure magic in its creation. A co-creation between a myself and the trees. This creation was the first time I every heard the trees talking to me, so clearly, intentionally, their voices chiming in my spirit ears. The amazement and awe inspired me. They wanted this oracle, they wanted their essence embodied. They wanted to travel far and wide, wanderers, explorers and adventures. They sought depth in relation, for others to hear them. They wanted to support connection, companionship and encourage guidance and growth.
I am still considering if there is a way forward once again for this weather worn tribe. If you would be interested in this edition being made available again, through a pre-order please email me at subject your email Tree Whisper Oracle Original Reprint and I will save your note of interest. You will be notified if there is progress that results in a reprint.