Thank you to everyone who reached out to pre-order the Tree Whisper Oracle reprinted 1st edition. I have had an amazing response and I am so excited I will be ordering oracles for the new tree spirit guardians soon. Everyone in this group will by now have had their first Round Robin #1 email confirming their pre-order.
I will hope to run another pre-order of this oracle if there is more interest, so if you have missed this pre-order, you can email me that you want to go on the Tree Whisper Oracle Reprint Overflow.
Sending you all earthy rooty blessings,
Your in the heart of the woodland.
*never blinks watching my PayPal* 🤣👀
Hello lovely, I sent you an email but worried you haven't seen it. I'd love love love a copy!!! I can't wait for The Secret Garden, which is mu favourite... Hope its, ready too soon!! Much love and light and faerie sight xxx